So, I decided to move my gallery here. Nowhere near as awesome as the rest of yours ;_; But hey, for your viewing pleasure anyway. When I thought up the title though, I HAD to make it xB! Witty much, ne? :x Anyway, two notes...I put captions and funny descriptions for most of them, so laugh please? ;_;! And also, when I began collecting, I never knew or understood the numbers and letters on the cels and erased them from the scanned versions. I still do that now to keep consistency, so don't expect all kinds of Bank cel this and Key cel that in my gallery ;( But enjoy either way :)!


News & Updates

8/6/200913 New cels added!
4/4/2008OMG new cels? :O! A lot of em too. Well, I try to not collect, but somtimes temptation gets the better of me ;( Enjoy :B
10/5/2007New TMNT cel!
9/21/2007New cel finally! Another X-Men one of Jubilee!

Gallery Contents
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Title Last Updated
Bionic Six (5) 5/5/2006
C.O.P.S. (2) 3/30/2006
Card Captor Sakura (21) 8/6/2009
Cutey Honey (4) 4/13/2006
Heathcliff (1) 2/14/2006
He-Man (18) 8/6/2009
Pokémon (2) 9/13/2006
Real Ghostbusters (1) 2/14/2006
SailorMoon (27) 6/2/2006
She-Ra (14) 8/6/2009
Skeleton Warriors (8) 2/16/2006
TMNT (31) 10/5/2007
X-Men (10) 4/4/2008

Curator: PrinceJupiter
Gallery Created: 2/12/2006
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